The Power of Home Staging and Professional Photography

Staging and quality photography sells homes faster and for more money!

 Is your home ready to hit the market?

If your home has been lived in, the first thing you’ll probably need to do is organize and downsize a bit, or at least move some things out. Buyers will want to see what storage space is available, and they can’t if it’s already full of stuff!

Once your home is cleared out a little, your realtor or a pro home stager can recommend how to use the furnishings and accessories you already have to display each room in the most appealing way. For maximum effect, that might mean adding a little paint, changing up some rooms, or adding strategic lighting to make a room feel bigger or cozier . 

Professional photography is an important companion to expert home staging. You know what your home looks like in person, but most buyers will be just glancing at photos online before they decide to view it themselves. Sharing those photos in the home's digital marketing plan will get the most attention of the greatest number of buyers, who will then want to see the home in person.  Those photos should sell!

I’m such a big believer in staging and professional photography I include it as part of my comprehensive listing package. I know that it’s helped me sell homes more quickly. Well staged and photographed homes get more views online, more shares on social media, and more offers!

Give your home the glamour treatment with tasteful staging and eye-grabbing photos. 

5 Cranston Homes with "Curb Appeal"

What’s the first thing people notice when they arrive at your home? Curb appeal! Check out these 5 great examples of curbside beauty in Cranston. Let me know if you’d like to take a look inside, and enjoy spring in your new home!

Grand Entrance: 555 Wilbur Avenue

Grand Entrance: 555 Wilbur Avenue

Talk about stately! This gracious colonial was designed by prominent architect D. Thomas Russillo, a graduate of RISD and MIT and a Rhode Island native. As you arrive on the circular drive, you are greeted with grand columns supporting a round portico, double door entrance, and lush plantings. Lots of mature trees make me feel right at home.


On Point: 159 Beechwood Drive

On Point: 159 Beechwood Drive

This stunning property is an absolute masterpiece! Look at those pitches...this home is sharp! The stonework is beyond impressive, not to mention all the quality materials, the meticulous landscaping, and impressive statement it makes to anyone who lays their eyes on it. Take a peek at the backyard. It’s even more impressive than the front!


The Arlington:  The Woods at Orchard Valley

The Arlington:  The Woods at Orchard Valley

Striking lines and daring angles combine with the elegant landscaping to create a unique show-stopper. This modern colonial stops you in your tracks, boasting an impressive walkway to your front door. The home is a natural extension of the woods behind, and the front yard would make a perfect backdrop for family  Easter photos!


American Beauty: 7 Harbour Terrace

American Beauty: 7 Harbour Terrace

Another property with history! This English Tudor has a well-maintained signature brick and stucco facade. Everything from the windows and verdant shrubbery make this home beautiful. The American flag puts this one over the top for me. The grass is greener on this property!


Blossoms: 175 Hines Farm Road

Blossoms: 175 Hines Farm Road

Everything is in full bloom over here in  Western Cranston! This home could honestly be in a magazine,with every curb detail tended to. The exterior has been cared for and it shows. The lawn is a plush green and the gorgeous flowers are bursting with vibrant color, letting us know it is in fact SPRINGTIME.



If you’ve been sitting on the fence about selling your home, the time to hop off is NOW.  To put it in other terms: 2017 is poised to be the year of the home seller, real estate experts say. So what are you waiting for?

Reason No. 1: Mortgage rates are still low

It’s all about rates, baby. Low mortgage rates translate to lower monthly costs. Lower costs entice buyers, which is good for sellers. Although mortgage rates have been ticking up since mid-October to slightly over 4%, the rates for a 30-year fixed mortgage—the most popular home loan—are still hovering near 30-year lows. But all indicators point to more increases this year. They could be in the 4.6% to 4.8% range by the end of the year. What does that have to do with home sellers? Well, potential buyers who are armed with that knowledge might hustle to close on a home before a rate hike.

Reason No. 2: Inventory is shrinking

Remember in Econ 101, when you learned that low supply and high demand lead to rising prices? The same is true—in spades—for residential real estate. When inventory shrinks, available homes become more valuable. As Martha Stewart would say, that’s a good thing for sellers.  Quite simply, sellers this year have the least competition.

And get this: Not only are there fewer homes for sale, but the time those homes have spent on the market has decreased year over year as well. If priced correctly, the typical home should move quickly.  And that’s another boon for sellers.

Reason No. 3: Home prices are rising

Lower inventory and greater demand have pushed up home prices. The median existing-home price of $263,000 in the Providence/Warwick Metro Market was up 6.7% in 4th quarter 2016 compared to the year prior. And that’s no fluke, as prices have gained over the last four and half years.  Higher prices particularly benefit the seller whose property value plunged during the recession, sometimes to less than what was owed. Thanks to rising prices, many homeowners whose property was underwater can now sell without suffering a big loss.

Reason No. 4: Job markets and consumer confidence are up

As unemployment decreases and wages (finally) increase, consumer confidence will climb. The National Consumer Confidence Index®, which had increased in February, improved sharply in March. The Index now stands at 125.6 (1985=100), up from 116.1 in February. Increased confidence will spur buyers to jump into the market—which is, you guessed it—more good news for sellers.

Reason No. 5:  Great market for downsizing

There are opportunities for a seller-turned-buyer who wants to downsize in this market.  You can lock in financing rates that you’ll never see again, optimize your equity on the sale of your home, and “rightsize” your home and living expenses—a tremendous trade off!  Check out my recent blog post on Rightsizing




The calendar says it’s spring and let’s hope the weather soon reflects that! But while still chilly outside, this is a great time to get some spring cleaning done, especially if you’re thinking of selling your home this year. Here are 10 steps to a great spring cleaning!


If you don’t use it, lose it! This is the most important tip I can give you. Take inventory of your belongings and evaluate what you really need. Clean out your bedroom, linen, and front hall closets - if you haven’t worn it, used it, or re-gifted it all year, you more than likely won’t in the future. In the kitchen, toss old spices or other items in your pantry that are outdated. Get the kids involved and have them donate old toys to the needy. This is a family project that will make the biggest difference in your home!


Wash windows inside and out. Use a the traditional mild soap and water or try 4 parts water, 1 part white vinegar with a splash of lemon juice. Squeegee dry to prevent streaking. Don’t forget about the sills! Wipe down or even vacuum if you need to. Once you finish, open up and air the house out! This is great to do if you will be using chemicals to clean elsewhere in the home.


This is refuge for old and germy!  When it comes to hidden food, out of sight is out of mind. Clear it out! Make sure to get all the way into the back. Then wipe down all the shelves and drawers to ensure everything is sparkling clean. To avoid using chemicals where you keep food, abrasive salt and soda water make a great cleaner.


Get rid of all half-used beauty products that you don’t use anymore. That eye cream that never worked, the fish oil pills that taste like a seafood market floor, expired makeup - they should all get thrown out. And for heaven’s sake, bring all unused medications back to the pharmacy for disposal--no flushing!


Be honest - when was the last time you cleaned your comforter? Bedding can be a source of germs, allergens, and dust mites. Yuck! recommends comforters be thoroughly cleaned every three months. Wash on the delicate cycle and dry with tennis balls to keep fluffy. (Don’t forget to check care instructions on the tag for specifics!)


Sweep up or vacuum any loose dirt. Mop hard surfaces like wood and tile. Try going chemical free with this homemade hardwood floor cleaner. For the tile, put 1 part white vinegar and 2 parts warm water in your mop bucket. Shampoo all the carpets in your home, paying close attention to high traffic areas. Some smaller area rugs can be washed right in the washing machine. Just be sure to dry them thoroughly before putting them back in place.


Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors need be tested every six months. It is recommended that their batteries get replaced when we change the clocks for daylight savings time. If you forgot to check them a few weeks ago make it part of your spring cleaning regimen. Dispose of dust while you have them opened up.


Outside the house needs cleaning too! Use a pressure washer to make decks, patios, and walkways look good as new - even use it on your house if your shingles are looking a little worn. Finish any yard maintenance that was put off during the colder months so spring flowers can beautify your home!


Last, but certainly not least, remember that dust collects everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Start from the top and work your way down in every room. Moldings, door frames, drapes, bookshelves and radiators all collect the stuff that makes you sneeze. Be sure to wipe down ceiling fans and light fixtures. Microfiber rags often trap dust better than traditional dusters. Shine and sanitize door knobs along the way!

Exclusive Offer for Home Sellers.

"Staged homes are usually sold 6% above the asking price and spend less time on the market when compared to unstaged homes."

Survey conducted by Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corp.

NOW is the time to get your property prepared for prime selling season,

and maximize your net proceeds!  



FREE Home Preparation Value Package*
    •    FREE Professional Interior Home Cleaning
    •    FREE Professional Window Cleaning
    •    FREE Professional Home Staging
    •    FREE Professional Photography of Your Home

And, as always, a savvy marketing plan and attentive service!

*Requires minimum listing commitment.

For more information, contact Lisa Pagano HERE!

Warm Up This Winter With These Cozy Cranston Great Rooms.

Yes, winter is upon us...cold, snowy, and grey.  It makes us want to hibernate for a few months. Maybe it's time to do just that (at least nights and weekends!)  Why not enjoy the best of the season in your own home?  Why not cozy up in warm, comfortable surroundings with  friends and family, and enjoy a movie and some hot chocolate around a beautiful fire?  Here are some cozy great rooms available in Cranston, calling you home.  Get in touch for a private tour of these lovely homes.











Rightsize for Comfort

Rightsize for Comfort

I am a Baby Boomer!  Born in 1962, I am on the tail end of this infamous generation of 74 million strong, but as I examine the behaviors, attributes, buying habits, and values of this all important cluster,  I definitely belong here statistically AND psychologically.  Those of you who know me know that I’m passionate about marketing and a Rhode Island Realtor, so continuous learning into consumer psychology and home buying/selling market trends is my business and my joy.  My musings…